Use “Virtual Dongles” for Software Products Deployed in the Cloud
Do you want your customers to be able to use your software in the Cloud? But, you worry that since machine cloning is so easy that your software might be subject to unauthorized overuse? Control your software deployment with “Virtual Dongles for the Cloud”.
Consider using RLM Cloud to easily serve your Cloud licenses.
To enable a customer, simply add his or her username or device ID to your customer list. Since RLM Cloud licenses are floating licenses, users can access your product from any development platform that you support, but use only one licensed copy at a time.

Think of it as a “virtual dongle” that’s cheaper than USB dongles, never gets lost or stolen, never breaks, and doesn’t require shipping. And best of all, it works in the Cloud. Use the simple RLM Cloud to checkout the license assigned to the customer’s username or device ID when your software starts. License checks happen over standard browser protocols.
You can store customer-specific options in each license… specify things like service levels, features, or expiration dates. The RLM Cloud API lets you retrieve this optional information from within your program. If you sell subscriptions, no problem, simply remove the user from the list if they cancel. These licenses can be used for evaluations and paid licenses.
Please contact Reprise Software to start your RLM Cloud Trial today.Â