We have released the version 15.2 update for RLM. This update adds support for two new operating systems:
- Windows 11
- Server 2022
It also fixes issues related to the Program Data directory on Windows, as well as the wrong version number being written to temporary licenses.
Important note: Starting in 15.1, passwords for the web interface are now case sensitive. The rlm.pw file will need to be regenerated after updating from v15.0 or earlier.
Bug fixes include:
- Warning no longer presented to user when C:\ProgramData\Reprise\isvname\ doesn’t exist.
- License path no longer includes temporary directory if the temporary directory does not exist.
- rlm_stat() no longer returns an error if the C:\ProgramData\Reprise\isvname folder is missing.
- Temporary licenses are now correctly created with version number equal to “parent” license.
- Using unicode in company names no longer causes issues with portal users on RLM Cloud.
- Server usage on the RLM Cloud customer portal now loads additional pages correctly.
- log.php no longer fails to download report logs.
- Version 9 settings files now work with version 14.2 and later.
- ISVs are now able to disable certificate revocation in RLM Cloud.
- BL2 fixes an issue with RLMAUTH failing to authenticate.
Note: All RLM kits contain both the machine-independent and the machine-dependent part (including the Reference manual).
To install:
- Unix/Mac: download, gunzip the kit, tar xf, then run INSTALL. See README above. (If your browser gunzipped the file during transfer, you should skip the gunzip step). Note arm64_m2 does not have Java support.
- Windows: download, execute the installer, then run “nmake” in the binary directory (x86_w4, x64_w4, x86_w3, or x64_w3).
- Java for Unix (java_unix.tar.gz) (RLM has java support only on the following Unix platforms: x86_l2, x64_l1, x86_m2, and x64_m2. Windows kits include the Java interface.)
- Linux ARM 64-bit (arm64_l1.tar.gz)
- Linux x86 32-bit (x86 _l2.tar.gz – v15.2BL1) (gcc v3.2.2)
- Linux x86 64-bit (x64 _l1.tar.gz – v15.2BL1) (gcc v3.2.2)
- MAC x86 64-bit (x64 _m2.tar.gz) (MAC OS/X Catalina and later)
- MAC arm 64-bit (arm64_m2.tar.gz) (Big Sur)
- Windows 32-bit (rlm.v15.2BL2-x86_w4.zip) (Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022)
- Windows 64-bit (rlm.v15.2BL2-x64_w4.zip) (Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022)
For general questions, please send email to support@reprisesoftware.com.