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Developer Kits

for Software Publishers

RLM v16.0 (Beta 2)

The beta is for internal testing only, please do not distribute this to your customers.

Welcome to the RLM Beta page, and the second beta release of RLM v16.0! This beta is strictly for the web server and web management interface. The second beta adds the new activation and diagnostics pages, as well as a number of other improvements over the first beta.

Please use the feedback link at the bottom of the page for any comments, questions, or complaints.

What to look for in the second beta:

  • New activation page consolidates all activation steps to a single page.
  • New diagnostics page now presents the diagnostics directly in the browser along with the option to download to the local machine.
  • ISV license server information available directly on the main page.
    • Color-coded status on each server lets you know of possible licensing issues at a glance.
  • Easily view all licensed products by expanding an ISV server.
    • License usage information all directly available by expanding a product.
  • ISV server management actions are conveniently accessible from the same page.

Running the beta:

  1. The beta can be installed as a service the same as previous versions of RLM, or by running the executable directly.
  2. Place existing ISV binary and license file(s) in the same directory as beta executable.
  3. The default login is:
    Username: admin
    Password: admin
    (Please note, v16 no longer uses the file for logins.)


OS OS Version Download Link
Linux ARM Linux, 64-bit, ARM arm64_l1-beta2.admin.tar.gz
Linux x86 Linux, 32-bit x86_l2-beta2.admin.tar.gz
Linux x64 Linux, 64-bit x64_l1-beta2.admin.tar.gz
Mac ARM Mac OS 11.0.1 or later, ARM 64-bit arm64_m2-beta2.admin.tar.gz
Mac Mac OS 11.0.1 or later, Intel 64-bit x64_m2-beta2.admin.tar.gz
Windows Windows 10 and later, Server 2012 and later (32-bit)
Windows Windows 10 and later, Server 2012 and later (64-bit)

Please share your feedback here.

Activation Pro

What’s the difference?

Reprise License Manager (RLM)

Software License Manager

RLM provides runtime checking that verifies that your application is licensed to run and that the current usage of your application is within the limits you have ser every time your application runs.

As a Software publisher, you integrate RLM into your product, and RLM keeps track at runtime of who is using the licenses of your software.

RLM can do this entirely within the client library (linked into your application), or, more commonly, your application makes a request of the RLM Lincese Server to check out a license.

The lincese server runs either on your customers network, or in the cloud if you are using our RLMCloud™ service.

RLM provides runtime checking that verifies that your application is licensed to run and that the current usage of your application is within the limits you have ser every time your application runs.

RLM Activation Pro

Software Activation Manager

Activation Pro is
used once when your customer purchases your software in order to retrieve the license which is specific to that customer.

Software Activation’s purpose in life is to get the licenses for your product to your customers with a minimum of fuss.

Activation Pro also has a server component wich we call the activation server.

Your application contacts the activation server and supplies a short text activation key, and in exchange, the activation server returns the license which enables your product.

Generally, this is done once, right after your customer purchases your software, not every time your software is invoked.