On rare occasions, an activation request will get a read timeout status return (-105). There are several causes to the RLM_EH_NET_RERR (-105) error.
If you can activate from some systems, then the first cause (server down) is unlikely.
More likely is that there is either a proxy/firewall/anti-virus package blocking the response or the system fails a reverse DNS lookup and is timing out.
The easiest way to test for this is to set the activation timeout to 60 seconds. Â Do this by setting the environment variable RLM_ACT_TIMEOUT to 60, and re-running your activation utility. Â If this fixes the problem, then you can either leave the timeout set to 60 or have your customer add a PTR record for their host as described in this article:
For help setting an environment variable, see this blog post.
If increasing the timeout doesn’t help, then disabling the proxy/firewall/anti-virus would be the next thing to try. Â It is beyond the scope here to attempt to address all possible proxy servers, firewalls, and anti-virus software.