We are excited to announce that our Activation Pro integration is now available for Salesforce on the AppExchange. This new plugin offers a seamless way for users to manage software licenses within Salesforce’s robust CRM platform.
With Activation Pro on the AppExchange, users are now able to manage their licensing needs more efficiently and effectively.
What is AppExchange?
Salesforce’s AppExchange is an online marketplace where users can find and install apps that extend Salesforce’s core functionality. These integrations allow businesses to customize their Salesforce environment to better suit their specific needs. By offering Activation Pro on AppExchange, Reprise Software provides users the ability to incorporate comprehensive license management directly into their Salesforce workflows.
Connecting Activation Pro to Salesforce’s Sales Cloud
Activation Pro connects either Hosted or Self-hosted Activation Pro to Salesforce’s Sales Cloud. This integration allows users to sync existing production definitions and activation keys into the Salesforce environment. Whether using a Hosted or Self-hosted setup, users gain flexibility and control over how they manage licenses.
Understanding Activation Pro
Activation Pro is a scalable license management system designed to automate the delivery and fulfillment of electronic licenses for applications using the Reprise License Manager (RLM). It works by generating activation keys that automate the licensing process, reducing the need for manual intervention. Activation Pro consists of several components:
- Web-based Activation Admin Tool (RLC): A user interface for managing activation processes.
- Activation Database (MySQL): Stores all data related to activations and licenses.https://new.reprisesoftware.com/products/try-rlm/
- Activation GUI: An interface built into the RLM web server for easy management.
This system supports both node-locked licenses, which are tied to a specific machine, and floating licenses, which can be used on multiple machines but have limited concurrent usage.
How You Will Benefit From This New Integration
Once integrated, users can manage product definitions and activation keys directly through Salesforce. This setup simplifies management by allowing users to handle everything from creation to deletion of product definitions and activation keys within one platform. All changes are synchronized with the Activation Pro database, ensuring data consistency.
For bundled products, primary licenses are conveniently listed as the Parent Product within Salesforce, providing a clear view of licensing arrangements.
Capabilities within Salesforce
The integration introduces several new functionalities:
- Users can create, edit, clone, and delete product definitions and activation keys.
- Changes made in Salesforce are automatically synced with the Activation Pro database.
- License fulfillments can be managed with ease, allowing users to create and delete fulfillments as needed.
Permission Levels
Activation Pro offers three permission levels to cater to different users within an organization:
- Manage: Full control over creating, editing, and deleting definitions, keys, and fulfillments.
- Support: Access to create and delete fulfillments, ideal for support teams.
- View-only: Allows monitoring of licenses and definitions without making changes.
Contact sales@reprisesoftware.com to request a quote or a demo today!
About Reprise
Reprise Software, established in 2006, is a globally recognized leader in license management solutions, proudly serving over 600 Independent Software Vendors around the world. Our flagship product, the Reprise License Manager (RLM), provides a comprehensive toolkit for license management, enforcement, and product activation, ensuring that software publishers can effectively safeguard their revenue streams. Designed with flexibility, simplicity, and power in mind, RLM supports both on-premises and cloud-based licensing needs.